September 2023, Newsletter
"Find It Early Act" fights breast cancer and supports breast density awareness
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors declared its continued support for women with dense breast tissue, and unanimously approved a resolution from County Supervisor Joe Simitian declaring the County’s support for the Find It Early Act, legislation currently pending in Congress.
“Our state and our nation have made incredible progress in improving the detection and treatment of breast cancer, including for patients with dense breast tissue,” said Simitian. As a California State Senator in 2012, Simitian authored Senate Bill 1538, which required that, following a mammogram, women are notified if they have dense breast tissue, and of the range of screening options available to them. “Nevertheless,” said Simitian, “we can always do more. And we should.”
This past March, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a ruling that establishes national standards that promote access to quality mammography services. This includes required notices that must be provided to women with dense breast tissue to help women make better decisions about what medical screenings or care they may need.