Health Care
End of Year '24, Newsletter
Joe's closing newsletter shares initiatives and projects with milestones in 2024, as well as his final Board of Supervisors proposal to keep Homestead Safe Routes to School moving forward. Included is a video tribute to Joe from County colleagues and community members.
County to improve access to MedAssist: relief from the high cost of life-saving drugs
County to improve access to MedAssist: relief from the high cost of life-saving drugs
2024: Looking back, and forward — with thanks
Compassion Week provides more awareness and understanding of the needs around us, and is a wonderful opportunity for individuals, families, and groups to engage in acts of service — while forging connections and spreading kindness.
Nov/Dec 2024, Newsletter
This edition includes exciting news about Valley Health Center North County, support for students at Alta Vista High School, and a note of gratitude from Supervisor Simitian. Learn more about Joe's work in 2023, how to submit for NUMU's ArtNow exhibition and Builder's Remedy projects in the unincorporated County.
October 2024, Newsletter
Read about the opening of Heartwood Apartments, creating opportunity for young adults, adults and families; 'community building' in Loma Prieta, and the creation of a market hub that will allow West Valley Community Services to improve their Park-It market food distribution. 2022 Joe History, resources for the public and clinicians on ME/CFS and more are also included.
September 2024, Newsletter
Sign up for the Veteran Stand Down or Beyond the Books, listen or watch the special Health & Hospital Committee meeting on ME/CFS, and learn about Joe's work on the Board of Supervisors in 2021. Read Joe's op-ed about women's health and ways to support, the County's grant to support art and music education, and the impact of Compassion Week 2024.
August 2024, Newsletter
Read Joe's op-ed on youth mental health, learn about support for Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley and Hakone Gardens, as well as ways you can engage and participate at community events for allcove Palo Alto, a special Health & Hospital Committee meeting on ME/CFS and Sidewalk Office Hours at local farmers' markets. 2020 was quite a year so there is a lot of Joe History instead of a little.
County grant supports the needs of the greater Palo Alto community
A Santa Clara County grant to the Palo Alto Community Fund will help augment the organization’s grantmaking program. The funding will support nonprofits that work to address the needs of the greater Palo Alto area through creative and innovative solutions.
County Supervisors Provide for low-income families essential needs
Non-profit Children’s Health Council to receive grant funding to support food pantry in Palo Alto serving Medi-Cal clients and low-income families struggling with food insecurity and facing other barriers critical to their health and well-being.
May/June 2024, Newsletter
Read about results and next steps from the County's caregiver study, Joe's continued support for mental health care access and services in his district, affordable housing, and ICYMI: an interview on Santa Clara Valley Health Care's “The Beat;” Joe receiving a Partners in Education Award; and a little 2017 Joe History.