
September 2023, Newsletter

September 28, 2023

Read about support for the Find It Early Act, the expansion of environmental education, results of the older adult caregiver study, local events and opportunities to speak with Supervisor Simitian.

Sanborn Park clean up allows a brighter future

September 20, 2023

Sanborn County Park site restoration moves forward with the remediation and clean-up of the former Christensen Nursery, enabling next steps for the Sanborn County Master Plan implementation, which will facilitate in the creation of new campgrounds, trail connections, and other recreational activities for the community.

Better breast cancer detection saves lives

September 19, 2023

A year from now, more than a decade after groundbreaking action here in California, a new federal law will take effect improving breast cancer screening in women with dense breast tissue.

County funds more all-inclusive playgrounds

September 19, 2023

Children and adults with physical or cognitive disabilities will soon have additional options for inclusive and accessible playgrounds throughout Santa Clara County.

Who cares for the caregivers?

September 1, 2023

After reviewing the Older Adult Caregiver Study from the County’s Department of Aging and Adult Services, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors directed County staff to consider ways to support adult caregivers in the County. The study describes who our long-term caregivers are, and the barriers they face when providing care for older adults.