Homestead Safe Routes to School moves forward
At Supervisor Simitian’s last Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board reconfirmed its commitment to Simitian’s Homestead Safe Routes to School Improvements Project. A referral by Simitian and Supervisor Otto Lee asked the County to include the project in its legislative platform, continue to work with Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to further the project’s development, and provide biannual reports on the status of the project.
Supervisors honor 50 years of service by West Valley Community Services
West Valley Community Services continues its mission to address food insecurity and homelessness in the community. A recent grant from Santa Clara County will help West Valley Community Services improve distribution efficiencies of the Park-It Market program.
August 2024, Newsletter
Read Joe's op-ed on youth mental health, learn about support for Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley and Hakone Gardens, as well as ways you can engage and participate at community events for allcove Palo Alto, a special Health & Hospital Committee meeting on ME/CFS and Sidewalk Office Hours at local farmers' markets. 2020 was quite a year so there is a lot of Joe History instead of a little.
Santa Clara County’s safety net services build stronger communities for all
Our county’s safety net includes a wide array of programs covering healthcare, housing assistance and food security, among others. These programs are designed to provide a lifeline to those in need, ensuring that no one is left behind.
County bolsters support for residents experiencing homelessness
Santa Clara County provided grants to the City of Cupertino, Town of Los Gatos, and nonprofit Reach SV in the North County to help supplement services and support for residents experiencing homelessness. Recipients will use County funding to address immediate needs of unhoused residents in those areas.
The long goodbye to Lehigh Cement Plant and Quarry
Goodbyes are often hard. But there’s one goodbye Supervisor Joe Simitian is OK with – the day when we finally say ‘so long’ to the Lehigh Cement Plant and Quarry, a 3,500-acre property in the Cupertino foothills.
Investing in our community by providing affordable housing
We need to build more housing – and more affordable housing – to ensure that folks don't get pushed out of our area simply because they can no longer afford to stay. On our County Board of Supervisors I’ve worked to increase funding for affordable housing, and to address the root causes of homelessness. I’ve championed affordable housing specifically for local agricultural workers, teachers, adults with disabilities, and low-income residents, because the needs are different sector to sector. I’m excited to see these efforts now come to fruition.
West Valley “teacher housing” effort progresses
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors selected a nonprofit development partner to build affordable housing for teachers and school staff in the West Valley. County Supervisors Joe Simitian and Otto Lee proposed the effort to enable local teachers and school staff to live in the communities they serve.
Stevens Creek Park celebrates 100 years
One hundred years ago, on January 24, 1924, Santa Clara County acquired an initial 400 acres near Cupertino with the intent to establish a public park. The park, now known as Stevens Creek County Park, opened to the public later that year, making it the first County park and laying the foundation for the modern-day Santa Clara County Parks system.
County helps make camp more inclusive
A Santa Clara County grant to Camp Via West helped provide camp facility renovations, including critical accessibility modifications for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The camp used County funding for the renovation of a sports field, which includes ADA-compliant bathrooms, storage for sports equipment, and a concession stand to provide food and water for campers and spectators at the sports field.