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Homestead Safe Routes to School moves forward

SAN JOSE – At Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian’s last Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board reconfirmed its commitment to Simitian’s Homestead Safe Routes to School Improvements Project. A referral by Supervisor Simitian and Supervisor Otto Lee asked the County to include the project in its legislative platform, continue to work with Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to further the project’s development, and provide biannual reports on the status of the project.

“From the beginning, the County has been a committed partner on the Homestead Safe Routes to Schools project,” said Supervisor Simitian. “This crucial project is of great community interest and is at risk of stalling. We need the cities and VTA as well as the two school districts, to continue to work to together to make progress on the project.” 

As a result of concerns voiced by parents, led by Los Altan Lori Cunningham, and school administrations, Supervisor Simitian proposed a County grant in fiscal year 2018-2019 to conduct a Safe Routes to School Corridor Study for Homestead Road. The study area covers a 1.5 mile stretch of Homestead Road, from Foothill Expressway in Los Altos to Hollenbeck Avenue/Stelling Road in Sunnyvale, that runs through three cities (Los Altos, Cupertino and Sunnyvale). This segment of Homestead Road serves three schools (West Valley Elementary School, Cupertino Middle School, and Homestead High School) and is overloaded during commute times with high volumes of drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The 2019 report details proposed on-street improvements along the Homestead Road corridor, including new traffic signals, high visibility crosswalk markings, bike lane buffers, and sidewalk improvements, among others. 

In 2020, and at the County’s request, VTA assumed project lead responsibility. Project partners are the cities of Los Altos, Cupertino, and Sunnyvale, the County, Caltrans, and Valley Water, as the project area crosses multiple jurisdictional boundaries. That same year the VTA Board awarded the project $1.17 million in 2016 Measure B Bicycle – Pedestrian funding, which recently resulted in the project reaching 35% design. Additional funding is now needed to complete design, as well as for the eventual construction of the improvements.

“Given the continuing danger of traffic to young pedestrians and bicyclists, we need to step up to ensure the safety of these kids,” said Simitian.  “This is a complex route. It covers multiple communities. It’s going to take everyone – including those at the state and federal level – working together to make this project a reality.”

As part of Supervisors Simitian and Lee’s request, County Administration will request one-time funding for both a federal Congressionally Directed Spending item and a state budget allocation in the amount of $3 million for the Homestead Road Safe Routes to School Improvements Project. In addition, County staff will continue to coordinate with VTA throughout the design and eventual construction processes and provide biannual project update reports to the County’s Housing, Land Use, Environment and Transportation Committee.

Simitian said, “I particularly appreciate Supervisor Lee’s engagement and commitment since I won’t be here to see the project through to completion.”