Health Care
November 2023, Newsletter
Read about support for County veterans, older adult mental healthcare access and a "coming soon" emergency shelter for families and individuals. Also learn about local events, the availability of COVID-19 vaccines and some Joe History.
County Supervisors recognize Luisa Buada for her impact on the community
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors honored longtime community health leader Luisa Buada as she retires as Chief of Executive Officer of Ravenswood Family Health Network, which provides primary and preventative care services designed to reach underserved, uninsured and low-income families in northern Santa Clara County and southern San Mateo County.
Progress on West Valley Health Clinic!
Santa Clara County and the Foothill-De Anza Community College District complete feasibility study to bring a Valley Health Center clinic to the the De Anza Community College campus in Cupertino. A community engagement process is scheduled for late 2023 and early 2024.
October 2023, Newsletter
Read about support for the new Stanford Community Plan, the County's push for mental health parity, support for the "Making Homes Work" program, local events and a Little Joe History.
September 2023, Newsletter
Read about support for the Find It Early Act, the expansion of environmental education, results of the older adult caregiver study, local events and opportunities to speak with Supervisor Simitian.
Better breast cancer detection saves lives
A year from now, more than a decade after groundbreaking action here in California, a new federal law will take effect improving breast cancer screening in women with dense breast tissue.
Supervisors declare support for the ‘Find It Early Act’
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors continues its support for patients with dense breast tissue and approved a resolution declaring support for the Find It Early Act, now pending in Congress.
North County dental services receive continued support with El Camino Healthcare District Grant
El Camino Healthcare District’s Community Benefit Program has provided a grant to Santa Clara Valley Healthcare to allow more children, adults and seniors in the North County to receive preventative dental services and maintain oral health.
Supervisors push greater awareness of “SAFE” services for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence
The Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Adult/Adolescent SAFE Program cares for survivors of sexual assault, intimate partner violence and domestic violence, age 12 and older, who seek medical treatment and/or evidence collection after assault. SAFE services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at five locations across the region, now including locations in the North County and South County.