Older Adults/Seniors

County Supervisors seek mental health access for older adults

November 27, 2023

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved a proposal aiming to assess and respond to older adult mental health needs in the County. County staff will analyze programs currently available for older adults to access mental health care, and provide recommendations on how those programs can better address the unique challenges older adults are facing.

Giving caregivers the care – and resources – they/we need

October 2, 2023

Caregivers — whether a family member, a community volunteer, or paid helpers — provide life-enhancing, indeed often life-saving, in-home support. Finding capable, compassionate care is a concern for many here in Santa Clara County, especially now.

September 2023, Newsletter

September 28, 2023

Read about support for the Find It Early Act, the expansion of environmental education, results of the older adult caregiver study, local events and opportunities to speak with Supervisor Simitian.

Who cares for the caregivers?

September 1, 2023

After reviewing the Older Adult Caregiver Study from the County’s Department of Aging and Adult Services, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors directed County staff to consider ways to support adult caregivers in the County. The study describes who our long-term caregivers are, and the barriers they face when providing care for older adults.