County supervisors push support for caregivers
As a result of the Adult Caregiver Study, Santa Clara County will establish resources to address the shortage of resources and support in adult caregiving. Resources include establishing a caregiver information and referral workgroup, a direct care registry, and an Adult Day Program and Adult Day Health Care program subsidy.
Helping veterans get the services they need, and deserve
Veterans are legally entitled to federal and state military service benefits including: disability compensation; non-service-connected pensions; education; burial assistance; survivor’s benefits; Veterans Affairs (VA) health care, and more. But getting these benefits is not always easy. Santa Clara County Supervisors Joe Simitian and Otto Lee proposed increase staffing at the County’s Veterans Service Office (VSO) to help serve more veterans more fully and more quickly.
Building TRUST for West Valley mental health crisis response
Santa Clara County’s Trusted Response Urgent Support Team (TRUST) program has a mental health professional available to assess, de-escalate, and connect individuals in crisis with counseling, mediation or mental health services — instead of an emergency department or jail. Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian shares information about the program.
April 2024, Newsletter
Learn about the history of Stevens Creek County Park through a centennial celebration video and the County's MedAssist Program. Read Joe's op-ed on how focused driving can save lives as well as a plan to reduce hazardous fuels along a 16-mile corridor on Skyline Boulevard. This month's Joe History highlights 2016.
Supervisors push to make Skyline Boulevard (Highway 35) safer from wildfires
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors is moving forward with a plan to reduce hazardous fuels along a 16-mile corridor on Skyline Boulevard. This stretch of Skyline Boulevard serves a rural mountain community of approximately 5,000 residents along with 2,700 structures, including the South Skyline community.
Distracted drivers should put down cell phones
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, both nationally and here in Santa Clara County. Distracted driving is a topic Supervisor Joe Simitian has been focused on since cell phones first became a part of our lives.
Free screening of “Fentanyl High” sponsored by Supervisor Joe Simitian and City of Mountain View
Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian and the City of Mountain View invite the community to attend a free documentary film screening on April 23 in Mountain View about the opioid epidemic and the dangers of fentanyl. The film was researched and directed by Los Gatos High School student Kyle Santoro. Attendees will be given a free Narcan kit while supplies last.
2,000 residents now enrolled in MedAssist — relief from the high cost of life-saving drugs
Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors recognizes Santa Clara Valley Healthcare Pharmacy team for enrolling 2,000 individuals in the County’s MedAssist program. MedAssist helps combat high costs for life-saving medications.
March 2024, Newsletter
Read about two housing developments to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, updates on the Lehigh Cement Plant and Quarry, and recognition for individuals making a difference in our community, plus a little 2015 Joe History.
The long goodbye to Lehigh Cement Plant and Quarry
Goodbyes are often hard. But there’s one goodbye Supervisor Joe Simitian is OK with – the day when we finally say ‘so long’ to the Lehigh Cement Plant and Quarry, a 3,500-acre property in the Cupertino foothills.