Homestead Safe Routes to School moves forward
At Supervisor Simitian’s last Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board reconfirmed its commitment to Simitian’s Homestead Safe Routes to School Improvements Project. A referral by Simitian and Supervisor Otto Lee asked the County to include the project in its legislative platform, continue to work with Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to further the project’s development, and provide biannual reports on the status of the project.
Supervisors boost College of Adaptive Arts with grants funding for technology
Supervisors boost College of Adaptive Arts with grants funding for technology
2024: Looking back, and forward — with thanks
Compassion Week provides more awareness and understanding of the needs around us, and is a wonderful opportunity for individuals, families, and groups to engage in acts of service — while forging connections and spreading kindness.
County funding supports high school artists exhibition and education program
New Museum Los Gatos (NUMU) will be conducting greater outreach to students attending lower income Title I schools to encourage participation in ArtNow, an annual juried Santa Clara County high school art exhibition and educational program, thanks to a grant from Santa Clara County.
County supports student initiatives at Mountain View Los Altos High School District
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved a proposal by County Supervisor Joe Simitian to provide funding to the Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School District. The grant is for a student leadership academy and student-run clothing closet at Alta Vista High School in Mountain View.
County Supervisors support public safety and ‘community building’ with Loma Prieta community center project
To enhance emergency services and community resources in the Loma Prieta area – particularly in the event of an earthquake, wildfire or a PG&E power outage, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a 1:2 County matching grant proposed by County Supervisor Joe Simitian to support the restoration of the Loma Prieta Community Center on its North Campus to replace a prior community center on its South Campus which was destroyed by fire in 2015.
County Supervisors support free music and art classes for underserved K-6 students
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved a proposal by County Supervisor Joe Simitian to expand the availability of art and music programs in District Five schools. The funding allows the Community School of Music and Arts to provide art and music education classes to nearly 3,700 underserved students in grades K-6.
September 2024, Newsletter
Sign up for the Veteran Stand Down or Beyond the Books, listen or watch the special Health & Hospital Committee meeting on ME/CFS, and learn about Joe's work on the Board of Supervisors in 2021. Read Joe's op-ed about women's health and ways to support, the County's grant to support art and music education, and the impact of Compassion Week 2024.
May/June 2024, Newsletter
Read about results and next steps from the County's caregiver study, Joe's continued support for mental health care access and services in his district, affordable housing, and ICYMI: an interview on Santa Clara Valley Health Care's “The Beat;” Joe receiving a Partners in Education Award; and a little 2017 Joe History.
Free screening of “Fentanyl High” sponsored by Supervisor Joe Simitian and City of Mountain View
Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian and the City of Mountain View invite the community to attend a free documentary film screening on April 23 in Mountain View about the opioid epidemic and the dangers of fentanyl. The film was researched and directed by Los Gatos High School student Kyle Santoro. Attendees will be given a free Narcan kit while supplies last.