Children & Families
County partners with YMCA to keep teens active, engaged, and safe during summer
This summer, Santa Clara County and the YMCA of Silicon Valley are keeping teens active, engaged, and safe while school is out for summer with the “Get Summer” teen initiative. With County funding, the YMCA is offering free memberships to teens of low-income families who live in West Valley and North County communities.
Free screening of “Fentanyl High” sponsored by Supervisor Joe Simitian and City of Mountain View
Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian and the City of Mountain View invite the community to attend a free documentary film screening on April 23 in Mountain View about the opioid epidemic and the dangers of fentanyl. The film was researched and directed by Los Gatos High School student Kyle Santoro. Attendees will be given a free Narcan kit while supplies last.
February 2024, Newsletter
Read about progress on climate change, teacher housing and a County health clinic in the West Valley. Save the Date for the annual Lehigh Southwest Cement Plant public meeting, Silicon Valley Reads events and a little 2014 Joe History.
County helps make camp more inclusive
A Santa Clara County grant to Camp Via West helped provide camp facility renovations, including critical accessibility modifications for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The camp used County funding for the renovation of a sports field, which includes ADA-compliant bathrooms, storage for sports equipment, and a concession stand to provide food and water for campers and spectators at the sports field.
Understanding Our Kids: Youth Mental Health and the Road to Resilience
Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian held a panel discussion that brought together experts in the mental health field as well as youth mental health advocates. Titled, “Understanding Our Kids: Youth Mental Health and the Road to Resilience,” the discussion focused on how to identify and prevent a mental health crisis, the availability of County and community mental health services for families in crisis, and the benefits of peer-to-peer support systems.
All-inclusive playground at Rengstorff Park breaks ground
Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian joined the City of Mountain View and the Magical Bridge Foundation at a groundbreaking celebration for an all-inclusive playground at Rengstorff Park, 201 S. Rengstorff Avenue. The Magical Bridge Playground at Rengstorff Park is anticipated to open in fall 2024.
County bolsters support for families with children with intellectual/developmental disabilities
A Santa Clara County grant to Parents Helping Parents will help support families raising children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. The nonprofit will use County funding for a free mental health program designed to connect parents with other parents of children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and with licensed therapists.
North County dental services receive continued support with El Camino Healthcare District Grant
El Camino Healthcare District’s Community Benefit Program has provided a grant to Santa Clara Valley Healthcare to allow more children, adults and seniors in the North County to receive preventative dental services and maintain oral health.