December 2023, Newsletter
Read about support for increasing mammography access, reflections on 2023 and housing developments using Measure A funds. Catch up on the youth mental health resources, ArtNow exhibit submission opportunities and District Five on social.
2023: Looking back and forward in the West Valley and North County. Let’s work together in the new year!
In 2023, the Office of County Supervisor Joe Simitian made real progress on issues championed related to health care, affordable housing, land use, education, community safety, and support for seniors and people with developmental disabilities — to the benefit of folks in District Five and countywide.
Supervisors adopt new Stanford Community Plan
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors adopted an updated Stanford University Community Plan, effectively approving new policies for governing the University’s future growth. The new Community Plan is the biggest update to the University's growth policies since the County approved the current Plan in 2000, and enhances efforts to address traffic, housing and open space concerns.
“Making Homes Work” better for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Approximately 80 percent of Santa Clara County residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) live in their family homes. County support enables individuals with I/DD to stay in their homes as they age.