Supervisors “grow” Sanborn Park
SAN JOSE – The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved the purchase of a 103-acre property located off Congress Springs Road in unincorporated Saratoga to expand Sanborn County Park. The acquisition provides an opportunity to create a new trail connection that will provide public access to a historic area of the park.
“This is an exciting opportunity to expand a beloved park,” said County Supervisor Joe Simitian, who make the motion to acquire the acreage, and in whose district the property is located. “Not only will we be preserving open space, but folks will have a new opportunity to access a piece of our County’s history as well as enjoy the outdoors.”
Sanborn County Park is currently comprised of 3,453 wooded acres located in the Santa Cruz Mountains between Saratoga and Skyline Boulevard. With a mountainous terrain of redwoods and tan bark oak, the park offers hiking, hike-in camping, RV camping and picnicking opportunities year-round.
“It’s really a pleasure to ‘grow’ our park system,” said Simitian.