Supervisors take next steps to improve Foothill Expressway safety
SAN JOSE – To help make County roads safer for drivers, and more walkable and bikeable for our community, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors today awarded a contract to Redgwick Construction to make traffic safety improvements on Foothill Expressway in the City of Los Altos.
With an approved $1.1 million contract, work will now commence on traffic improvements at the intersection of Foothill Expressway and Arboretum Drive, which sees about an average of 25,000 cars daily.
“Our safety work is never truly ‘done’ on our expressways,” said County Supervisor Joe Simitian, whose District Five includes the Foothill Expressway. “We know we have to make our roads safer for all, pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers included.”
The project will include the installation of new signal poles to provide increased visibility for side street traffic approaching signalized intersections at Foothill Expressway and Arboretum Drive in Los Altos, as well as pavement resurfacing, new striping, and installation of curb ramps. Traffic signal improvements will include bicycle detector loops, traffic signal hardware, pedestrian sensors, and LED streetlights.
The improvements at Arboretum build upon the Foothill Expressway Pedestrian Sensors and Mast Arms Installation Project, which started in late 2020 and resulted in the installation of pedestrian sensors at five intersections on Foothill Expressway and upgraded traffic signals at two intersections on Foothill Expressway.
Another recent improvement to Foothill Expressway is a Measure B-funded congestion relief project for limited expansion of Foothill Expressway from four to six lanes by extending right turn lanes and making intersection improvements at El Monte Avenue and San Antonio Road.