Supervisors act to make roadway safer
SAN JOSE – To improve road safety for Los Altos Hills residents, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted a resolution prohibiting parking on Moody Road, located in an unincorporated area adjacent to the Town of Los Altos Hills.
The Board’s action was made in response to a request from local residents for parking restrictions on Moody Road near the intersection of Moody Court. County staff determined that establishing a ‘No Parking’ zone from dawn to dusk could improve line of sight and improve traffic safety for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians on Moody Road. The newly implemented restriction will go into effect on the south shoulder of Moody Road from 700 feet west of Moody Court to 1,000 feet east of Moody Court.
“This is a simple parking management measure that can literally save lives,” said County Supervisor Joe Simitian, whose District Five includes Los Altos Hills. “At the very least, by improving sight lines, Moody Road will be safer not just for area residents, but also drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians.”
Simitian lauded local residents, who, he said, “saw a pattern and spoke up about it.” Simitian said he was pleased that, “local residents spoke up, and they were heard.”
Signage denoting the new ‘No Parking’ zone on Moody Road is scheduled for installation this summer.