Palo Alto History Museum scores County grant
SAN JOSE – The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors Tuesday voted unanimously to fund a historical restoration project led by the Palo Alto History Museum and the City of Palo Alto.
The County awarded $102,992 in funds from the FY 2019 Historical Heritage Grant Program to the Palo Alto History Museum and the City of Palo Alto for the Roth Building Roof Restoration Project as recommended by the Historical Preservation Fund.
Once the restoration is complete the Roth Building will be the future home of the Palo Alto History Museum.
“The Palo Alto History Museum is a treasure in the making,” said County Supervisor Joe Simitian. “Our Valley rightfully takes pride in its 21st Century role as a technology and thought leader,” said Simitian, “but there’s a history here we would do well to remember, and learn from. It’s just so important that we protect these pieces of our history for future generations.”
In announcing the award Simitian said, “I want to congratulate the Museum on its successful application. This was a highly competitive process. My office and I have been pleased to work with the City and the Museum to help them understand the process – but the success is all theirs. And I hope they’ll continue to compete for other historic resources funding the County has made available. It’s certainly a worthy effort, and it’s great to see the progress being made by the Museum.”
“In a city named for a huge redwood tree (el palo alto), many Palo Altans nonetheless feel rootless,” said Laura Bajuk, Executive Director of the Palo Alto History Museum. “Newcomers struggle to find their footing. Long-timers remember a community that felt more connected, face to face. The new Museum will tell the many stories of our community; dark moments to be learned from, and bright moments that will instill pride. Stories that will inspire, heal and open minds.”
“We hope everyone who experiences the new Museum will feel a sense of community and connection, and be inspired to share that with others,” Bajuk said.