At last: Resolution on Lehigh violations
SAN JOSE – Almost one year after issuing a Notice of Violation (NOV) against Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Santa Clara County Planners certified that the problems leading to the violation are finally resolved. County Supervisor Joe Simitian, whose district includes Lehigh, observed, “I’m glad this issue was resolved, though it certainly took longer than I hoped. Clearly, on a property of this size and complexity, the County will need to remain vigilant.”
At the March 24, 2020 Board meeting, the Board unanimously approved Simitian’s referral requesting County administration to provide an update on the status of the Notice of Violation issued to Lehigh Southwest Cement Company on June 23, 2019. At the May 12, 2020 Board meeting, County administration confirmed that after conducting an inspection of the “Yeagar Yard” on April 10, 2020, Lehigh had implemented the corrective actions necessary to deem the violation abated.
Simitian continued, “My primary concern was the abatement of the violation, and the assurance that the facility is operating lawfully to ensure creek protection. This abatement provides that assurance.”
Although the hills outside the City of Cupertino have been mined for limestone since the early 1900s, and the Lehigh cement plant has been operational since 1958, this heavy industry is now located adjacent to residential neighborhoods, creating ongoing environmental, health and safety challenges.
After returning to the Board of Supervisors in 2013, Simitian pushed for increased oversight at Lehigh and for the County to step up its oversight role by increasing on-site inspections. Simitian also hosts an annual community meeting where residents can have their questions answered and hear from the relevant regulatory agencies directly.