County pushes ahead with I-280/Page Mill Road bicycle safety improvements
SAN JOSE – The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors has approved and funded bicycle safety improvements at the I-280/Page Mill Road interchange.
“This is a heavily travelled and challenging intersection for both cyclists and drivers. We’ve got to find a way to make it safer – right now – even though larger, longer-term improvements are scheduled in the coming years,” said Supervisor Joe Simitian, who pushed for the improvements.
“These improvements will make that interchange safer for both drivers and cyclists, sooner rather than later.”
“This project was spurred by tragedy,” said Shiloh Ballard, Executive Director of Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, “which made it all the more urgent. We’ve been very thankful for the County’s quick action and thorough outreach – the end result is a much-improved design for the hundreds of bicyclists who ride through the intersection every week.”
The project provides enhanced bicycle striping and signage through the interchange, a new bicycle access point onto Page Mill Road from Old Page Mill, and improvements to help reduce the speed of motorists as they enter the interchange area.
In February 2016, the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board of Directors approved providing $250,000 toward the design and construction of the interim bicycle improvements project. Additional funding was secured through a Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) grant, the City of Palo Alto, the Town of Los Altos Hills, and County of Santa Clara. Altogether, $525,000 has been raised to design and construct this project.
“Everyone has really stepped up to make this happen,” said Simitian. “Our County staff, VTA, Palo Alto, Los Altos Hills, and Caltrans have all come together to get this done, and keep our roads safe for everyone.” The Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition has also been a valuable partner, noted Simitian, specifically helping with outreach and soliciting input during the design phase.
In April, Simitian held a well-attended community meeting to share the proposed plans with the public and seek input, with professional staff from the County Roads and Airports Department, VTA, Los Altos Hills, Palo Alto, and Caltrans. That feedback was incorporated into the final plans.
The County Roads and Airports Department will begin soliciting bids for the project immediately upon receipt of a Caltrans permit. The project is expected to be completed in Spring 2017.