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County Offers Deferred Action Notario Fraud Training


MOUNTAIN VIEW—The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office and Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian are hosting a free class to educate the public about deferred action and notario fraud at the Day Worker Center of Mountain View. The Day Worker Center offers resources such as English language courses and free weekly medical visits to the communities surrounding Mountain View, Los Altos, and Sunnyvale.

“I’m excited for the Day Worker Center to participate in this educational program to get this essential information to those who need it most,” said Day Worker Center Executive Director María Marroquín.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents and Lawful Residents (DAPA) are federal programs that offer temporary permission to remain in the United States for certain undocumented residents. Class participants will learn about DACA/DAPA qualification requirements and application processes. The class will also teach attendees how to protect themselves against notario fraud. Unscrupulous notarios sometimes pose as legal advisors to sell false immigration documents and scam members of the immigrant community.

“I am pleased to join the District Attorney’s Office and these community organizations in putting together this class,” said Simitian. “This class will help make sure folks have all the information possible to protect themselves and find legitimate legal support.”

WHAT:  Deferred Action and Notario Fraud Educational Class

WHEN: Thursday, July 30, 2015
   11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.

WHO: Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office, the Mexican Consulate of San Jose, Catholic Charities, SIREN, Sacred Heart, Law Foundation of Silicon Valley, and Supervisors Cindy Chavez and Joe Simitian

WHERE:  Day Worker Center of Mountain View
      113 Escuela Avenue
      Mountain View, CA 94040
      Phone: (650) 903-4102

This event is free and open to the public.
