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County Awards Historical Heritage Grant to the Immigrant House


SAN JOSE – The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors today awarded the Historical Heritage Grant to the City of Mountain View for restoration of the Immigrant House. At the recommendation of the County’s Historical Heritage Commission, and on a unanimous vote by the Board of Supervisors, the County approved $50,000 in funding to support the renovation and relocation of the building to its new home in Heritage Park. 

"Our Valley rightfully takes pride in its 21st Century role as a technology and thought leader,” said County Supervisor Joe Simitian, “but there’s a history here we would do well to remember, and learn from. It’s just so important that we protect these pieces of our history for future generations.”

The County funds represent only a portion of the funding necessary to preserve the Immigrant House, but, said Simitian, “County support closes the funding gap and will bring this worthy project to fruition.”

The Immigrant House is one of the oldest buildings in the City of Mountain View, constructed around 1888. The 300-square-foot building will be the centerpiece of Heritage Park, a new public park at 771 N. Rengstorff Ave. in Mountain View.

Between 1990 and 2004, the Board of Supervisors has allocated $500,000 annually to the Park Charter Historical Heritage Fund to promote historic preservation projects and awareness of Santa Clara County's cultural, historical, archaeological, and natural heritage resources. Due to fiscal constraints, the program was not funded in 2005 and 2006, but was reinstated in 2007 at a reduced level of $100,000.

“The Immigrant House is an iconic part of Mountain View’s history,” said Ryan McCauley, who sits on the Historical Heritage Commission. “It serves as a reminder of our past, and now will be a lasting part of our community’s future. This is a great example of the City of Mountain View and Santa Clara County working collaboratively to keep the community’s history alive.”