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AACI Celebrates Opening Of Expanded Health Center


SAN JOSE – Today, Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) is opening the doors to its newly renovated health center in San Jose. This expansion, funded by Santa Clara County, will more than double the number of patients seen there.

“This effort represents a significant milestone in our longstanding partnership with the County,” said Michele Lew, CEO of AACI. “We are grateful for the County’s support in providing increased access to culturally competent services.”  

AACI won a federal grant to expand its services, though none of the funds could be spent on facilities. County Supervisor Joe Simitian, along with Supervisor Dave Cortese, proposed that the County fund the expansion of the clinic in order to provide enough space to accommodate more patients. The renovation increased the number of exam rooms from nine to 16, improved soundproofing (for privacy), and installed two negative pressure rooms to prevent the spread of airborne contagions.

“Given AACI’s integral role in our County’s health system,” Simitian said, “it made sense for us to step up and make this investment in our healthcare infrastructure.”

“The benefit of the Affordable Care Act is that more and more folks have insurance. That means, however, that we’ve got to find more and more primary care providers to serve them. This expansion in facilities makes all that possible.”

AACI Health Center offers a range of services, including primary care, chronic disease prevention, HIV/AIDS testing and education, immunizations, counseling, and health education. It is located adjacent to the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, a 574-bed tertiary hospital owned and operated by the County, and many patients receive care at both facilities.

Simitian, who serves as vice chair of the County’s Health and Hospital Committee, will join Congressman Mike Honda and other community leaders today at an open house at the health center to celebrate the project’s completion.
