June 2022, Newsletter
Supervisors Support "Teacher Housing" in the West Valley
Following the Board’s approval earlier this year of a pilot educator workforce housing project in Palo Alto serving school districts in North Santa Clara County and southern San Mateo County, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a proposal from County Supervisors Joe Simitian and Otto Lee to pursue options for developing housing for educators in the West Valley.
Simitian said news of the Palo Alto project approval led school district and city officials in the West Valley to reach out to see if a similar project might be possible in their region. “We know there’s a shortage of affordable housing for educators,” said Simitian. “But there are solutions. When our kids’ teachers can spend fewer hours in the car each day, stick around to help a struggling student, participate in after-school activities, and put down roots in the community, it’s really a winner all-around."