Press Releases
Early College Promise promises made, promises kept (x2,500!)
Early College Promise Promises Made, Promises Kept (x2,500!)
Board of Supervisors opposes VTA's 2016 Measure B 10-year expenditure plan
Board of Supervisors opposes VTA's 2016 Measure B 10-year expenditure plan
Supervisors approve cap on food delivery service fees
Supervisors approve cap on food delivery service fees
Santa Clara County launches small business loan program
Santa Clara County launches small business loan program
One vote really does matter: County pursues election recounts for Mountain View and Los Altos Hills Council Races
One vote really does matter: County pursues election recounts for Mountain View and Los Altos Hills Council races
Supervisors push for cap on food delivery service fees
Supervisors Push for Cap on Food Delivery Service Fees
Recurring COVID-19 testing to continue in November and December
Recurring COVID-19 testing to continue in November and December
County moves forward to cut costs for life-saving medications
County moves forward to cut costs for life-saving medications
Simitian presses planning department for “more rigorous” oversight on Stevens Creek Quarry
Simitian presses planning department for "more rigorous" oversight on Stevens Creek Quarry
Simitian, Ellenberg propose $100 million loan program for local small businesses
Simitian, Ellenberg propose $100 million loan program for local small businesses