Press Releases
Supervisors honor 50 years of service by West Valley Community Services
West Valley Community Services continues its mission to address food insecurity and homelessness in the community. A recent grant from Santa Clara County will help West Valley Community Services improve distribution efficiencies of the Park-It Market program.
County Supervisors support public safety and ‘community building’ with Loma Prieta community center project
To enhance emergency services and community resources in the Loma Prieta area – particularly in the event of an earthquake, wildfire or a PG&E power outage, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a 1:2 County matching grant proposed by County Supervisor Joe Simitian to support the restoration of the Loma Prieta Community Center on its North Campus to replace a prior community center on its South Campus which was destroyed by fire in 2015.
County Supervisors recognize Hidden Villa as it celebrates 100 years
As Hidden Villa celebrates its centennial this year, Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian and his Board colleagues recognized Hidden Villa for its 100 years of promoting sustainability and health.
County Supervisors support free music and art classes for underserved K-6 students
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved a proposal by County Supervisor Joe Simitian to expand the availability of art and music programs in District Five schools. The funding allows the Community School of Music and Arts to provide art and music education classes to nearly 3,700 underserved students in grades K-6.
Celebrate Compassion Week – September 21-29
Through volunteer opportunities, participants can make a difference in our community and expand understanding of local needs.
County funding supports accessibility and safety measures at Hakone Gardens in Saratoga
Hakone Estate and Gardens in Saratoga receives Santa Clara County grant to make needed accessibility and safety improvements.
County supervisors green light rehabilitation work on Lawrence Expressway
Rehabilitation work will improve conditions on Lawrence Expressway between Quito and Homestead roads.
Supervisors help older adults “age in place”
Supervisor Simitian champions funding for local non-profit Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley to help older adults who live District Five and want to age in place. Building affordable housing costs 26 times more than rehabilitating or repairing an existing home.
County provides grant to the Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for local programs
A Santa Clara County grant to the Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation (LAMVCF) will augment LAMVCF’s Community Grants Program which supports local nonprofits and organizations addressing emerging needs in the community, including, but not limited to, housing, health care, equity needs, and food insecurity.
County allocates federal funds for West Valley older adults and families
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved a plan to continue support for projects serving adults, older adults, and families with lower incomes in the West Valley. Funding for these services was approved as part of the County’s Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan for use of federal funds from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Act programs.