Mental Health
Building TRUST for West Valley mental health crisis response
Santa Clara County’s Trusted Response Urgent Support Team (TRUST) program has a mental health professional available to assess, de-escalate, and connect individuals in crisis with counseling, mediation or mental health services — instead of an emergency department or jail. Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian shares information about the program.
December 2023, Newsletter
Read about support for increasing mammography access, reflections on 2023 and housing developments using Measure A funds. Catch up on the youth mental health resources, ArtNow exhibit submission opportunities and District Five on social.
2023: Looking back and forward in the West Valley and North County. Let’s work together in the new year!
In 2023, the Office of County Supervisor Joe Simitian made real progress on issues championed related to health care, affordable housing, land use, education, community safety, and support for seniors and people with developmental disabilities — to the benefit of folks in District Five and countywide.
Supervisors push for “real access” to mental health care
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors directed County staff to pursue County sponsorship and support of legislative and regulatory strategies to address gaps in achieving mental health parity. The Board’s action came in response to a proposal by County Supervisors Joe Simitian and Cindy Chavez that seeks to push commercial health insurers to ensure that people seeking coverage for mental health care can access treatment as easily as people seeking coverage for medical treatment.
Understanding Our Kids: Youth Mental Health and the Road to Resilience
Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian held a panel discussion that brought together experts in the mental health field as well as youth mental health advocates. Titled, “Understanding Our Kids: Youth Mental Health and the Road to Resilience,” the discussion focused on how to identify and prevent a mental health crisis, the availability of County and community mental health services for families in crisis, and the benefits of peer-to-peer support systems.
November 2023, Newsletter
Read about support for County veterans, older adult mental healthcare access and a "coming soon" emergency shelter for families and individuals. Also learn about local events, the availability of COVID-19 vaccines and some Joe History.
County bolsters support for families with children with intellectual/developmental disabilities
A Santa Clara County grant to Parents Helping Parents will help support families raising children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. The nonprofit will use County funding for a free mental health program designed to connect parents with other parents of children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and with licensed therapists.
Supervisors push for ‘mental health parity,’ improved access for all
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors a proposal that seeks to ensure that people seeking coverage for mental health care can access treatment as easily as people seeking coverage for medical treatments.
County steps up support for innovative teen mental health program
County steps up support for innovative teen mental health program.