Los Gatos
County Supervisors support public safety and ‘community building’ with Loma Prieta community center project
To enhance emergency services and community resources in the Loma Prieta area – particularly in the event of an earthquake, wildfire or a PG&E power outage, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a 1:2 County matching grant proposed by County Supervisor Joe Simitian to support the restoration of the Loma Prieta Community Center on its North Campus to replace a prior community center on its South Campus which was destroyed by fire in 2015.
Santa Clara County’s safety net services build stronger communities for all
Our county’s safety net includes a wide array of programs covering healthcare, housing assistance and food security, among others. These programs are designed to provide a lifeline to those in need, ensuring that no one is left behind.
County bolsters support for residents experiencing homelessness
Santa Clara County provided grants to the City of Cupertino, Town of Los Gatos, and nonprofit Reach SV in the North County to help supplement services and support for residents experiencing homelessness. Recipients will use County funding to address immediate needs of unhoused residents in those areas.
December 2023, Newsletter
Read about support for increasing mammography access, reflections on 2023 and housing developments using Measure A funds. Catch up on the youth mental health resources, ArtNow exhibit submission opportunities and District Five on social.