April 2024, Newsletter
Learn about the history of Stevens Creek County Park through a centennial celebration video and the County's MedAssist Program. Read Joe's op-ed on how focused driving can save lives as well as a plan to reduce hazardous fuels along a 16-mile corridor on Skyline Boulevard. This month's Joe History highlights 2016.
February 2024, Newsletter
Read about progress on climate change, teacher housing and a County health clinic in the West Valley. Save the Date for the annual Lehigh Southwest Cement Plant public meeting, Silicon Valley Reads events and a little 2014 Joe History.
2023: Looking back and forward in the West Valley and North County. Let’s work together in the new year!
In 2023, the Office of County Supervisor Joe Simitian made real progress on issues championed related to health care, affordable housing, land use, education, community safety, and support for seniors and people with developmental disabilities — to the benefit of folks in District Five and countywide.
Supervisors seek to improve wireless connections and safety for residents in fire-prone areas
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved a proposal by County Supervisor Joe Simitian that seeks to ensure service is maintained to wireless customers in wildfire-prone areas during a disaster or power outage. In times of emergency and disaster, wireless networks are critical infrastructure for emergency response.
New fire truck “expands” local firefighting efforts
To improve firefighting efforts and bolster mutual aid resources in the region,the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors today approved an agreement between the Santa Clara County Central Fire Protection District (Central Fire) and the Los Altos Hills County Fire District (LAHCFD) for the purchase of a new fire truck to replace an older model, which will become LAHCFD’s new reserve engine, and replace the current 20-year-old reserve apparatus.