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Board of Supervisors directs release of information related to Sheriff's County jail operations

Today the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors took action to make information related to the County jail and operations of the Sheriff’s Office available to the public, and referred a wide range of issues to the U.S. Department of Justice, the California Attorney General, the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury, and the California Fair Political Practices Commission. The motion put forth by Supervisors Joe Simitian and Otto Lee was approved unanimously. 

Read the original referral presented at the meeting. Recommendations a. – h. are the action items.

The referral was approved with the following amendments:

  • Refer these matters to the U.S. Department of Justice (in addition to the Office of the Attorney General, State of California).
  • Ensure the U.S. Department of Justice referral incorporates equity issues.
  • Provide the Board of Supervisors with a status report on the County’s 2016 suicide prevention practices recommendations.