With the goal of creating safer intersections for pedestrians, Supervisor Simitian supported a project on Foothill Expressway (located in the district he represents) designed to improve pedestrian safety, especially for children and seniors. Completed in 2022, the project included:
- The installation of pedestrian sensors at five intersections on Foothill Expressway. When the sensor detects a pedestrian within the crosswalk, more walk time is added if the pedestrian requires more than the programmed amount to cross the expressway at that particular intersection.
- The installation of traffic signal poles with mast arms at the intersections of Foothill Expressway and Main Street/Burke Road, and Foothill Expressway and Edith Avenue. The new poles have mast arms that extend over the lanes, improving signal visibility and overall safety for the traveling public.
- Foothill Expressway Auxiliary Lanes between El Monte Avenue and San Antonio Road: A congestion relief project to widen Foothill Expressway from four to six lanes by extending right turn lanes and making intersection improvements at El Monte Avenue and San Antonio Road. The project was funded by 2016 Measure B.
- Loyola Bridge Project: A project to widen the existing Loyola Bridge by 23 feet on the north side and 15 feet on the south side to provide one through lane, one left-turn lane, a bike lane and sidewalk in each direction.