Inclusive playgrounds can be enjoyed by all children and adults, regardless of their physical, sensory or cognitive abilities. Yet, only two existed in Santa Clara County in 2015: Magical Bridge Playground at Mitchell Park in Palo Alto (for which Supervisor Simitian secured County funding) and the Rotary PlayGarden in San Jose. The overwhelming success of these playgrounds led Supervisor Simitian to propose a matching grant program to inspire the creation of additional all-inclusive playgrounds throughout the entire county. Since 2017, the Board of Supervisors has awarded $20 million in County funds to build 24 new all-inclusive playgrounds at parks and schools, including ones at Jollyman Park in Cupertino, Landels Elementary School and Rengstorff Park in Mountain View, Addison Elementary School and El Carmelo Elementary School in Palo Alto, and Almaden Lake Park in San Jose.